The ancient town of Llandovery, once a major commercial centre for cattle drovers, is the ideal destination from which to explore Carmarthenshire. This lovely town is on the A40, just 30 minutes from the M4 and nestled between the rugged Brecon Beacons Nation Park and soft, rolling Upper Tywi Valley.
With so much to see and do in Llandovery itself, the tourist visiting for the weekend, short break or holiday, is urged to tear themselves away from the town to experience what the idyllic surrounding region has to offer. The painted terraced houses, a Norman castle, legends and general ambience that transcends the passing of time. The castle mound features a magnificent statue to the Welsh Braveheart, Llewelyn ap Gruffydd Fychan.
Numerous cycling and walking routes, augmented by glorious scenery and flowers and and a warm and welcoming local population.